Yfke & Hugues

Cordially invite you to their
mighty, marvelous, multi-issue
wedding celebration on
May 26, 27, and 28th.


Monday May 26 @ 19:30
Fête, Fun & Food Trucks 

Join us for casual pre-wedding food, drinks & games ici

Tuesday May 27 @ Morning
Optional Regional Activities

Tuesday May 27 @ 15:00
Wedding, Wine & Wondrousness

Join us for our wedding, the reception, dinner & dancing until the wee hours of the night

Dress Code:
Grab that one thing, the thing with flare, the things that’s rare
The thing you always wanted to, but never had the opportunity to wear
Those dreamy shoes, that cape, that crown
That mummy wrap, that massive gown
That special outfit from Versace
This is the time to do it, because nothing, and we mean nothing, will be out of place

Transportation from Cahors to the wedding location will be provided

Wednesday May 28 @ 12:00
‘Uitbrak’ Brunch

Join us for a casual post-wedding hangover brunch designed for ‘uitbrakken’, as the Dutch like to call it, at our now regular haunt